Piirroskuva eläinlääkäristä hevosen kanssa.


Keskiviikko 22.11.2023

Torstai 23.11.2023

Keskiviikon puheenjohtaja: ELL, MRCVS, Hevossairauksien erikoiseläinlääkäri, DiplECVO Minna Mustikka, ELTDK, Helsingin yliopisto

Torstain puheenjohtajat: ELL, MRCVS, Hevossairauksien erikoiseläinlääkäri, DiplECVO Minna Mustikka, ELTDK, Helsingin yliopisto ja ELL Jaana Pehkonen, Hevoslääkärikeskus Hippomedi


Keskiviikkona ja torstaina on mahdollista päivittää tietonsa hevosten silmäsairauksista. Keskiviikkona keskitymme erikoisalan uusiin tuuliin ja tapauskertomuksiin. Torstaipäivään on saatu tiivistettyä hevosten silmäsairauksien keskipitkä oppimäärä. Luennoitsijana toimii ACVO-diplomaatti Michala De Linde Henriksen. Michalan luentoja on ilo kuunnella, sillä ne ovat selkeitä ja käytännönläheisiä.

Perjantai 24.11.2023

Perjantain puheenjohtaja: Hevossairauksien erikoiseläinlääkäri Mirjami Anttila, Oulun Hevosklinikka


Hevososiolta on toivottu iholuentoja ja niitä on nyt tarjolla Eläinlääkäripäivien perjantaina. Päivän aloittaa Helsingin yliopiston Sami Junnikkala kertaamalla ihon kannalta olennaiset asiat hevosen immunologiasta. Sami on loistava puhuja ja luennolle kannattaakin saapua, jos iho, hevoset tai immunologia kiinnostavat edes hiukkasen. Loppupäivä käsitellään hevosen ihosairauksia ja luennoijana toimii Robin van den Boom Utrechtin yliopistosta.



What’s New in Equine Ophthalmology

Michala de Linde Henriksen

DVM, PhD, DipACVO; North Carolina State University, USA

Dr. Henriksen graduated from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She worked as a veterinarian in mixed practice for one year before returning to the University of Copenhagen for a hospital veterinarian at the university’s large animal hospital, followed by a PhD in equine ophthalmology at the University of Copenhagen. In combination with her PhD program, she completed her residency in comparative ophthalmology at the University of Florida. Dr. Henriksen worked as an assistant clinical professor for comparative ophthalmology at the University of Minnesota for four years before joining the Clinical Sciences department at Colorado State University from 2017 to 2023. Dr. Henriksen has recently moved to Raleigh, North Carolina where she has joined the ophthalmology team at North Carolina State University. Dr. Henriksen is very interested in pedagogical teaching methods and how to use diverse strategies to make veterinary students and veterinarians comfortable in diagnosing and treating common ophthalmic diseases in companion animals. She was awarded Colorado State University’s Dr. Maxine Benjamin Award for Veterinary Faculty Excellence in 2022 due to her teaching skills. When she is not working, Dr. Henriksen enjoys hiking with her chocolate Labrador ‘Alma’ and working in her garden.


What’s New in Equine Ophthalmology, part 2

Michala de Linde Henriksen

DVM, PhD, DipACVO; North Carolina State University, USA

Dr. Henriksen graduated from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She worked as a veterinarian in mixed practice for one year before returning to the University of Copenhagen for a hospital veterinarian at the university’s large animal hospital, followed by a PhD in equine ophthalmology at the University of Copenhagen. In combination with her PhD program, she completed her residency in comparative ophthalmology at the University of Florida. Dr. Henriksen worked as an assistant clinical professor for comparative ophthalmology at the University of Minnesota for four years before joining the Clinical Sciences department at Colorado State University from 2017 to 2023. Dr. Henriksen has recently moved to Raleigh, North Carolina where she has joined the ophthalmology team at North Carolina State University. Dr. Henriksen is very interested in pedagogical teaching methods and how to use diverse strategies to make veterinary students and veterinarians comfortable in diagnosing and treating common ophthalmic diseases in companion animals. She was awarded Colorado State University’s Dr. Maxine Benjamin Award for Veterinary Faculty Excellence in 2022 due to her teaching skills. When she is not working, Dr. Henriksen enjoys hiking with her chocolate Labrador ‘Alma’ and working in her garden.




15:45- 16:30

Case Rounds

Michala de Linde Henriksen

DVM, PhD, DipACVO; North Carolina State University,USA

Dr. Henriksen graduated from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She worked as a veterinarian in mixed practice for one year before returning to the University of Copenhagen for a hospital veterinarian at the university’s large animal hospital, followed by a PhD in equine ophthalmology at the University of Copenhagen. In combination with her PhD program, she completed her residency in comparative ophthalmology at the University of Florida. Dr. Henriksen worked as an assistant clinical professor for comparative ophthalmology at the University of Minnesota for four years before joining the Clinical Sciences department at Colorado State University from 2017 to 2023. Dr. Henriksen has recently moved to Raleigh, North Carolina where she has joined the ophthalmology team at North Carolina State University. Dr. Henriksen is very interested in pedagogical teaching methods and how to use diverse strategies to make veterinary students and veterinarians comfortable in diagnosing and treating common ophthalmic diseases in companion animals. She was awarded Colorado State University’s Dr. Maxine Benjamin Award for Veterinary Faculty Excellence in 2022 due to her teaching skills. When she is not working, Dr. Henriksen enjoys hiking with her chocolate Labrador ‘Alma’ and working in her garden.


How to Do an Ophthalmic Examination on a Horse

Michala de Linde Henriksen

DVM, PhD, DipACVO; North Carolina State University, USA

Dr. Henriksen graduated from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She worked as a veterinarian in mixed practice for one year before returning to the University of Copenhagen for a hospital veterinarian at the university’s large animal hospital, followed by a PhD in equine ophthalmology at the University of Copenhagen. In combination with her PhD program, she completed her residency in comparative ophthalmology at the University of Florida. Dr. Henriksen worked as an assistant clinical professor for comparative ophthalmology at the University of Minnesota for four years before joining the Clinical Sciences department at Colorado State University from 2017 to 2023. Dr. Henriksen has recently moved to Raleigh, North Carolina where she has joined the ophthalmology team at North Carolina State University. Dr. Henriksen is very interested in pedagogical teaching methods and how to use diverse strategies to make veterinary students and veterinarians comfortable in diagnosing and treating common ophthalmic diseases in companion animals. She was awarded Colorado State University’s Dr. Maxine Benjamin Award for Veterinary Faculty Excellence in 2022 due to her teaching skills. When she is not working, Dr. Henriksen enjoys hiking with her chocolate Labrador ‘Alma’ and working in her garden.


Equine Ophthalmology – Diagnostic Tests

Michala de Linde Henriksen

DVM, PhD, DipACVO; North Carolina State University,USA

Dr. Henriksen graduated from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She worked as a veterinarian in mixed practice for one year before returning to the University of Copenhagen for a hospital veterinarian at the university’s large animal hospital, followed by a PhD in equine ophthalmology at the University of Copenhagen. In combination with her PhD program, she completed her residency in comparative ophthalmology at the University of Florida. Dr. Henriksen worked as an assistant clinical professor for comparative ophthalmology at the University of Minnesota for four years before joining the Clinical Sciences department at Colorado State University from 2017 to 2023. Dr. Henriksen has recently moved to Raleigh, North Carolina where she has joined the ophthalmology team at North Carolina State University. Dr. Henriksen is very interested in pedagogical teaching methods and how to use diverse strategies to make veterinary students and veterinarians comfortable in diagnosing and treating common ophthalmic diseases in companion animals. She was awarded Colorado State University’s Dr. Maxine Benjamin Award for Veterinary Faculty Excellence in 2022 due to her teaching skills. When she is not working, Dr. Henriksen enjoys hiking with her chocolate Labrador ‘Alma’ and working in her garden.





Hevosten silmälääkkeet Suomessa

Minna Mustikka

ELL, MRCVS, Hevossairauksien erikoiseläinlääkäri, DipECVO, ELTDK, Helsingin yliopisto

Minna valmistui eläinlääketieteen lisensiaatiksi Helsingin Yliopistosta 2012 ja suoritti Hevossairauksien Erikoiseläinlääkärin tutkinnon 2017. Vuonna 2017 Minna aloitti Eurooppalaisen eläinoftalmologian residenssiohjelman, jonka ensimmäisen kolmanneksen hän suoritti Suomessa ja loppuosan Iso-Britannissa Royal Veterinary Collegessa, Lontoossa. Minna suorittu tutkinnon loppuun ja sai spesialistiarvonimen Dipl.ECVO kesällä 2023."





Corneal Diseases

Michala de Linde Henriksen

DVM, PhD, DipACVO; North Carolina State University, USA

Dr. Henriksen graduated from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She worked as a veterinarian in mixed practice for one year before returning to the University of Copenhagen for a hospital veterinarian at the university’s large animal hospital, followed by a PhD in equine ophthalmology at the University of Copenhagen. In combination with her PhD program, she completed her residency in comparative ophthalmology at the University of Florida. Dr. Henriksen worked as an assistant clinical professor for comparative ophthalmology at the University of Minnesota for four years before joining the Clinical Sciences department at Colorado State University from 2017 to 2023. Dr. Henriksen has recently moved to Raleigh, North Carolina where she has joined the ophthalmology team at North Carolina State University. Dr. Henriksen is very interested in pedagogical teaching methods and how to use diverse strategies to make veterinary students and veterinarians comfortable in diagnosing and treating common ophthalmic diseases in companion animals. She was awarded Colorado State University’s Dr. Maxine Benjamin Award for Veterinary Faculty Excellence in 2022 due to her teaching skills. When she is not working, Dr. Henriksen enjoys hiking with her chocolate Labrador ‘Alma’ and working in her garden.


Equine Recurrent Uveitis

Michala de Linde Henriksen

DVM, PhD, DipACVO; North Carolina State University, USA

Dr. Henriksen graduated from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She worked as a veterinarian in mixed practice for one year before returning to the University of Copenhagen for a hospital veterinarian at the university’s large animal hospital, followed by a PhD in equine ophthalmology at the University of Copenhagen. In combination with her PhD program, she completed her residency in comparative ophthalmology at the University of Florida. Dr. Henriksen worked as an assistant clinical professor for comparative ophthalmology at the University of Minnesota for four years before joining the Clinical Sciences department at Colorado State University from 2017 to 2023. Dr. Henriksen has recently moved to Raleigh, North Carolina where she has joined the ophthalmology team at North Carolina State University. Dr. Henriksen is very interested in pedagogical teaching methods and how to use diverse strategies to make veterinary students and veterinarians comfortable in diagnosing and treating common ophthalmic diseases in companion animals. She was awarded Colorado State University’s Dr. Maxine Benjamin Award for Veterinary Faculty Excellence in 2022 due to her teaching skills. When she is not working, Dr. Henriksen enjoys hiking with her chocolate Labrador ‘Alma’ and working in her garden.




15:00- 15:45

All the Other Diseases in Equine Ophthalmology

Michala de Linde Henriksen

DVM, PhD, DipACVO; North Carolina State University,USA

Dr. Henriksen graduated from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She worked as a veterinarian in mixed practice for one year before returning to the University of Copenhagen for a hospital veterinarian at the university’s large animal hospital, followed by a PhD in equine ophthalmology at the University of Copenhagen. In combination with her PhD program, she completed her residency in comparative ophthalmology at the University of Florida. Dr. Henriksen worked as an assistant clinical professor for comparative ophthalmology at the University of Minnesota for four years before joining the Clinical Sciences department at Colorado State University from 2017 to 2023. Dr. Henriksen has recently moved to Raleigh, North Carolina where she has joined the ophthalmology team at North Carolina State University. Dr. Henriksen is very interested in pedagogical teaching methods and how to use diverse strategies to make veterinary students and veterinarians comfortable in diagnosing and treating common ophthalmic diseases in companion animals. She was awarded Colorado State University’s Dr. Maxine Benjamin Award for Veterinary Faculty Excellence in 2022 due to her teaching skills. When she is not working, Dr. Henriksen enjoys hiking with her chocolate Labrador ‘Alma’ and working in her garden.


Johdanto ihon immunologiaan (hevosella)

Sami Junnikkala

Yliopiston lehtori; ELTDK, Helsingin yliopisto

FT 2002 (Immunologia, LTDK, Helsinki). Eläinlääketieteellisessä tiedekunnassa vuodesta 2008, immunologia opetus- ja tutkimusalana. Hevosilla tutkimusta kesäihottumaan liittyen. Ihon immuunijärjestelmä ja ihosairaudet koiralla ja hevosella kiinnostuksen kohteena. ''Hienoa kun ihmisen ja hiiren lisäksi on päässyt tutustumaan immunologian ihmeisiin possuilla, hevosilla, koirilla ja lehmillä''. Lapset poika, 26 vuotta ja tytär 20 vuotta. Harrastuksina luonto, liikunta, metsästys. ”Kerran vuodessa täytyy päästä tuntureille kauas, missä ei näe ihmisiä pariin viikkoon.”





Work-up of an Equine Dermatology Case

Robin van den Boom

DVM, PhD, DipECEIM Dr; Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Robin van den Boom was born in Wilrijk (Belgium) and studied veterinary medicine at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. He graduated in 1996 and started his training in Equine Surgery. In 2002 he was registered as specialist in Equine Surgery by the KNMvD (Royal Netherlands Veterinary Association, RNVA) and in 2004 he successfully completed his PhD on synovial fluid of the horse. After completing his PhD Dr. van den Boom trained as a resident in Equine Internal Medicine and in 2009 passed the specialist exams of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM). From September 2014 until February 2017 Robin was Head of the Department of Equine Health at the University of Adelaide (Australia), but in 2017 he returned to the Netherlands and is currently head of the Equine Medicine team at Utrecht. His clinical and research interests include the equine gastrointestinal tract and dermatology. He is married and has three teenaged children, and in his free time he likes to travel, play tennis and run.





Equine Skin Disorders, Part 1

Robin van den Boom

DVM, PhD, DipECEIM Dr; Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Robin van den Boom was born in Wilrijk (Belgium) and studied veterinary medicine at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. He graduated in 1996 and started his training in Equine Surgery. In 2002 he was registered as specialist in Equine Surgery by the KNMvD (Royal Netherlands Veterinary Association, RNVA) and in 2004 he successfully completed his PhD on synovial fluid of the horse. After completing his PhD Dr. van den Boom trained as a resident in Equine Internal Medicine and in 2009 passed the specialist exams of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM). From September 2014 until February 2017 Robin was Head of the Department of Equine Health at the University of Adelaide (Australia), but in 2017 he returned to the Netherlands and is currently head of the Equine Medicine team at Utrecht. His clinical and research interests include the equine gastrointestinal tract and dermatology. He is married and has three teenaged children, and in his free time he likes to travel, play tennis and run.


Equine Skin Disorders, Part 2

Robin van den Boom

DVM, PhD, DipECEIM Dr; Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Robin van den Boom was born in Wilrijk (Belgium) and studied veterinary medicine at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. He graduated in 1996 and started his training in Equine Surgery. In 2002 he was registered as specialist in Equine Surgery by the KNMvD (Royal Netherlands Veterinary Association, RNVA) and in 2004 he successfully completed his PhD on synovial fluid of the horse. After completing his PhD Dr. van den Boom trained as a resident in Equine Internal Medicine and in 2009 passed the specialist exams of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM). From September 2014 until February 2017 Robin was Head of the Department of Equine Health at the University of Adelaide (Australia), but in 2017 he returned to the Netherlands and is currently head of the Equine Medicine team at Utrecht. His clinical and research interests include the equine gastrointestinal tract and dermatology. He is married and has three teenaged children, and in his free time he likes to travel, play tennis and run.





Clinical Dermatology – a Number of Cases

Robin van den Boom

DVM, PhD, DipECEIM Dr; Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Robin van den Boom was born in Wilrijk (Belgium) and studied veterinary medicine at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. He graduated in 1996 and started his training in Equine Surgery. In 2002 he was registered as specialist in Equine Surgery by the KNMvD (Royal Netherlands Veterinary Association, RNVA) and in 2004 he successfully completed his PhD on synovial fluid of the horse. After completing his PhD Dr. van den Boom trained as a resident in Equine Internal Medicine and in 2009 passed the specialist exams of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM). From September 2014 until February 2017 Robin was Head of the Department of Equine Health at the University of Adelaide (Australia), but in 2017 he returned to the Netherlands and is currently head of the Equine Medicine team at Utrecht. His clinical and research interests include the equine gastrointestinal tract and dermatology. He is married and has three teenaged children, and in his free time he likes to travel, play tennis and run.


Torstai 3.11.

Perjantai 4.11.

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