Finnish Veterinary Congress

The Finnish Veterinary Association organizes Finnish Veterinary Congress each autumn.
The 2024 Congress runs from Nov 13 to 15. The event takes place in the Helsinki Fair Centre. The lectures will be recorded for the participants to watch later as well.

Program in English

The three-day program includes lectures in the general, business and working life, meat hygiene, food hygiene and environmental health, production animals, small animals, horses and research sessions.

The complete program of the Congress will be listed under "Ohjelma", but the lectures that will be held in English are listed below:

Wednesday Nov 13, Hall Väinö Kankaanpää (food hygiene)

10:05 am: Recycled materials in food contact materials – an effect-based approach to evaluate chemical hazards
Johan Lundqvist
Associate professor, PhD, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Thursday Nov 14, Hall Oscar von Hellens (cattle)

09:00 am: Raising healthy calves: around birth
11:00 am: Raising healthy calves: the first weeks
1:30 pm: Managing calf diseases 1
3:00 pm: Managing calf diseases 2
Ingrid Lorenz
Dr. med. vet., Dr. med. vet. habil., DipECBHM, Head of the Cattle Health Service, Adjunct Associate Professor, Bavarian Animal Health Service, Germany and University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland

Thursday Nov 14, Hall Richard Hindersson (horses)

08:30 am: Clinical approach to muscle disease
09:35 am: Exertional rhabdomyolysis
10:45 am: Polysaccharide storage myopathy and exertional rhabdomyolysis
1:15 pm: Myofibrillar myopathy in Warmblood horses
2:00 pm: Vitamin E related neuromuscular disorders in horses
3:15 pm: Shivers and movement disorders in horses
Stephanie Valberg

Friday Nov 15, Hall Väinö Kankaanpää (meat hygiene)

08:30 am: Arrival, unloading and lairage of free moving animals (cattle and pigs)
09:30 am: Arrival, unloading and lairage of animals transported in containers (broiler chickens, turkeys)
11:00 am: Stunning of cattle
1:30 pm: Stunning of pigs
3:00 pm: Stunning of poultry
Antonio Velarde
DVM, EBVS® European Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law, Head of Animal Welfare Program in IRTA


In addition to the lectures, there will be an Exhibition representing fields of medicine, health care, instruments and pharmacology. The Congress Exhibition is the largest for products related to veterinary medicine in Finland.

Further information (in Finnish) >>

If you represent a company and would like to join the Exhibition as an Exhibitor, please contact Ms Tiina Karenius at tiina.karenius[at]

Further information (mostly in Finnish, partly in English) >>

Registration and fees

Registration to the Finnish Veterinary Congress 2024 (description in Finnish, registration form in English) >>

Members of the Nordic and Estonian veterinary associations are granted the same fees as members of the Finnish veterinary association, listed under "SELL-jäsen" in the price grid. Anyone else falls into the category "Ei-jäsen".

Fees of the Finnish Veterinary Congress 2024 (in Finnish) >>

In order to find the correct fee for yourself, please
* click the tab showing the date when you register to the Congress
* see the column "SELL-jäsen" or "Ei-jäsen" as explained above
* check when and how you wish to attend, the first block being the onsite lectures and recordings for the three days, the second block being the onsite lectures and recordings for one of the days and the third block being the recordings only for one of the days (please note there is no live streaming and the recordings will only be available after the Congress)
* pay attention to your occupation, "Eläinlääkärit ja eläinlääkäriasemien henkilöstö" being vets and their employees, "Eläinlääkäriopiskelijat (praktiikkaoikeudet)" being vet students with the licence to work as a vet and "Eläinlääkäriopiskelijat ja eläkeläiset (ei praktiikkaoikeuksia)" being vet students and retired vets with no licence to work as a vet


If you need any further information or help with the registration, please contact Fennovet Ltd at elp[at]

Annual Veterinary Congress in Finland 2019